St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 212

Lowe Elias Avery, Codices Latini Antiquiores. A palaeographical guide to latin manuscripts prior to the ninth century. Part VII: Switzerland, Oxford 1956 (Osnabrück 1982), p. 25.
, Homiliae in Ezechielem (Hom. XIII-XXII)
Entstehungsort: St. Gall
Entstehungszeit: Saec. VIII-IX.
Beschreibstoff: Parchment of fair quality but marred by holes.
Foll. 164
Format: 244 x 170 mm.
Gatherings normally of eight, signed with Roman numerals, some under a bracket, in the middle of the lower margin of the last page.
(185-190 x 125-135 mm) in 22-28 long lines. Ruling before folding, on flesh-side, 4 bifolia at a time, with the direct impression on the outside bifolium. Double bounding lines enclose the text. Prickings in the outer margin guided the ruling.
Schrift und Hände:
- Punctuation: the medial point marked various pauses; many points added.
- Omissions are marked by signes de renvoi.
- Abbreviations: b;, q; (and q:) = bus, que; auꞇ = autem; = ber (and bis); ē = est, , ꝳ = men, mus; = non; nꞇ, ni and nri, etc. = noster, -ri, etc. om = omnes; omptis, ompm = omnipotentis, -em; ꝑ, , ꝓ, pp (and ppꞇ) = per, prae, pro, propter; q̾, q, quō = qui, quod, quoniam; ꞅɫ = rum; sic̄ = sicut; ꞇ = ter.
- Spelling shows confusion of e and i, o and u.
- Ink dark brown.
- Script, by more than one scribe, is broad roundish minuscule of the Alemannic type recalling the manuscript of Prophets ordered by Bishop John II of Constance (St. Gall 44, our No. 899), but apparently of later date: ɑ is more frequent than a; the nt-ligature occurs in mid-word; Ɛ is used for hard ti; in the uncial headings the oblique of N sometimes extends beyond the second upright as in St. Gall MS. 44.
- Colophons in hollow capitals filled with red and yellow (see plate);
- Incipits in uncial mixed with capitals or in black capitals with superimposed and surrounding red dots; colours used are red, yellow, and blue.
- Citations from the Bible are in uncial.
- Well drawn, typical initials, some coloured with red and yellow, using the leaf and occasionally the fish motifs.
- Capitals at the beginning of sentences are green or black touched with daubs of red.
Entstehung der Handschrift:
Written doubtless at St. Gall, to judge by the script.