Utopia, armarium codicum bibliophilorum, Cod. 103

Leuchtendes Mittelalter, Neue Folge III, Vom Heiligen Ludwig zum Sonnenkönig: 34 Werke der Französischen Buchmalerei aus Gotik, Renaissance und Barock, beschrieben von Eberhard König mit Beiträgen von Gabriele Bartz und Heribert Tenschert, Ramsen Antiquariat Heribert Tenschert 2000, S. 472.
Titolo del codice: Book of Hours, Horae B.M.V., for the use of Rome, with a calendar for Langres.
Luogo di origine: Dijon
Datazione: 1524
Catalogue number:
Supporto materiale: Vellum
179 leaves of vellum
Formato: Octavo (145x 85 mm)
Disposizione della pagina:
Text 98 x 47 mm
Tipo di scrittura e mani: Bastarda
Decorazione: 145 pictures: 26 large miniatures in Renaissance architecture, with numerous grotesques, twelve of them above 6 lines of text, three above 7 lines, ten above 8 lines and one above 12 lines of the text, that displays initials varying between 1- and 3-lines; 12 calendar pages with comparable frames and illustrations of the months in the bas-de-page and medallions with signs of the zodiac, 43 marginal pictures with landscape, golden or ornamental ground, 52 pictorial motifs, some corresponding to the text, some grotesque and some imitating motifs from Classical antiquity. All text pages, including those without text, with three golden bars and one large border with most different figural and ornamental painting. Psalm incipits and comparable texts with 2-line acanthus initials on decorated golden ground; psalm verses with 1-line blue or gold acanthus letters on red or blue; Capitals with yellow wash.
Brown calfbinding of around 1580 with rich semé gilding.
Lingua principale: Latin
Book of Hours, Horae B.M.V., for the use of Rome, with a calendar for Langres.
Latin manuscript in black and red, gold and blue on vellum, in bastarda.
Latin manuscript in black and red, gold and blue on vellum, in bastarda.
Origine del manoscritto:
- Dijon, dated 1524: Master of Bénigne Serre, a hitherto unknown painter from the circle of the 1520 Hours Workshop.
- A Book of Hours, preserved complete and in splendid condition from the late years of French illumination, dated 1524 and destined for a major royal functionary in Burgundy, in a most beautiful Parisian binding of the 16th century. It contains a display of pictures difficult to find in other manuscript Books of Hours. Discovered in 1905, the book disappeared and was recently rediscovered!