St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 259
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Lowe Elias Avery, Codices Latini Antiquiores. A palaeographical guide to latin manuscripts prior to the ninth century. Part VII: Switzerland, Oxford 1956 (Osnabrück 1982), p. 28.
Titolo del codice:
in Actus Apostolorum, in Apocalypsin
Datazione: Saec. VIII-IX
Supporto materiale: Parchment of unequal quality.
Foll. 152
Formato: ca. 270 x 170-175 mm.
Numerazione delle pagine: Paginated 1-24, 24-303.
Composizione dei fascicoli: Gatherings of eight, signed with Roman numerals in the middle of the lower margin of the last page.
Condizione: Holes are not infrequent.
Disposizione della pagina:
(210-220 x 130-140 mm.) in 24-26 long lines. Ruling before folding, on the flesh-side, 4 bifolia at a time, with the direct impression usually on the outside bifolium. Double bounding lines in both margins. Prickings in the outer margin guided the ruling.
Tipo di scrittura e mani:
- Ink dark brown.
- Script is early minuscule by several hands, some clearly Alemannic; the hand on pp. 3 ff. is very similar to the hand of St. Gall MS. 133, pp. 209-215 (see our No. 911) Both and a are used; g is often top-heavy; the shaft of h occasionally bends to the left; the top of ꞇ is often looped to the left; o occasionally has a horn-like hair-line at the top, as in Merovingian cursive; the nt ligature occurs even in mid-word; Ɛ stands for hard and soft ti.
- Punctuation: the medial point, comma, or semicolon marks the main pause, the medial point lesser pauses; many points added.
- Citations from the Bible are in uncial or minuscule with quotation-marks (apparently added) to the left of each line.
- Omissions marked by in the text answered by p before the insertion in the lower margin (p. 104) or by signes de renvoi (pp. 45, 207).
- Abbreviations include b;, q; = bus, que; au̅ (and auꞇ̄) = autem; = de; dr (and dr̅ = dicitur; ē; id ·ē· = est, idest; , mʼ, ꝴ = men, mus, nus; n̅ = non; n̅r̅, nr̅i etc. = noster, -ri, etc.; o = omnes; ꝑ, p ̓, ꝓ, , p: = per, post, prae, pro, pus; ꝗ, qm (and quo̅), q̅q̅ = quia, quoniam, quoque; ꞅɫ, r̅, s̅ = rum, runt, sunt; ꞇ̅n̅ = tamen; ꞇ̅ = ter; ꞇ̅c̅ = tunc; ꞇ̓ = tur; -u̓ = -uit. Spelling fair but condam for quondam.
- Running titles on each opening, in minuscule.
- Colophons in uncial mixed with capitals or in capitals.
- Incipits in black or red capitals or uncial, or in mixed majuscules.
- Simple black initials.
Origine del manoscritto: Written in the same Swiss centre as St. Gall MS. 133 (our No. 911), possibly at St. Gall.