St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 229
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Lowe Elias Avery, Codices Latini Antiquiores. A palaeographical guide to latin manuscripts prior to the ninth century. Part VII: Switzerland, Oxford 1956 (Osnabrück 1982), p. 28.
Titre du manuscrit:
, Sententiae.
Origine: Switzerland
Période: Saec. VIII-IX.
Support: Membranes, partly parchment, partly vellum, are well prepared.
Foll. 114 in a manuscript of 220 folios
Format: 260 x 165 mm.
Numérotation des pages: Paginated 1-277, then 2 unnumbered pages, 278-294, 293-436.
Composition des cahiers: Gatherings normally of eight, unsigned.
Mise en page:
(ca. 195 x 117 mm.) in 18 long lines. Ruling before folding, on the hair- or flesh-side, normally 4 bifolia at a time, with the direct impression on the outside. Double bounding lines in both margins. Prickings in the outer margin guided the ruling.
Type d'écritures et copistes:
- Ink black.
- Script, by several scribes, is a stately minuscule, in part roundish, in part of a distinctly Rhaetian cast: the nt ligature occurs often in mid-word.
- The portion which concerns us stops abruptly on p. 228 line 7 and is continued by ninth-century hands;
- Punctuation: the medial comma marks the main and lesser pauses; other points added. Run-overs carried to the line below are set off by a rectangular bracket.
- Abbreviations include b;, q; = bus, que; au̅ = autem; dr = dicitur; e̅e̅, e̅ = esse, est; n̅ = non; ꝑ, ꝓ, = per, prae, pro; q = quod, quoniam; ꞅɫ, r̅ = rum, runt; ꞇ̄ ꞇ̓ = ter, tur.
- Chapter-headings in red mixed uncial, capitals and minuscule; others added in the ninth century. Title on p. 3 in hollow capitals filled with dark blue, yellow, or red.
- Initials mostly in black outline, except in the first quire where they are coloured red, yellow, and a striking dark blue.
Origine du manuscrit: Written in the same Swiss scriptorium as our No. 967b [ = Cod. Sang. 912, pp. 189/190, 225/226]. Left unfinished, it was completed in stages during the ninth century.