St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 132
Titre du manuscrit:
- , Epistula CXXXIII: Ad Ctesiphontem, Dialogus aduersus Pelagianos
- , De uita christiana
- , Altercatio Ecclesiae et Synagogae
Origine: St. Gallen
- s. IX, 2/2 (Bruckner);
- s. IX/X (Scherrer)
Support: Parchment
i + 166 leaves (numbered pp. 1-81, followed by two unnumbered pages, then pp. 82-123, 123bis-281, 283-330)
Format: 163-165 x 208-209 mm
Composition des cahiers:
Pp. [A-B] + 1-14 = I8; pp. 15-78 = II-V8; pp. 79-82 = VI4 (wants 4); pp. 83-114 = VII-VIII8; pp. 115-123 + 123bis-129 = IX8; pp. 130-273 = X-XVIII8; pp. 274-281 + 283-290 = XIX8; pp. 291-304 = XX8 (wants a leaf); pp. 305-320 = XXI8; pp. 321-330 = XXII6 (wants 6). [This foliation is based on Bruckner's description and examination of the page-images; the remains of quire marks are visible on pp. 98 and 177.]
Mise en page:
A single column of 16 lines (written space: 112-115 x 131-135 mm).
Type d'écritures et copistes: Multiple hands writing Caroline minuscule, with rubrics in rustic capitals; according to Bruckner, pp. 315-329 are in the hand of Abbot Harmut himself.
- 1.
pp. 1-33
Epistula CXXXIII: Ad Ctesiphontem
>In christi nomine incipit epistula beati hieronimi presbyteri ad tesifontem.<
Non audacter ut falso putas sed amanter studioseque fecisti ut nouam mihi ex ueteri mitteres questionem …–…
et christi hostes facere et nutrire aduersarios eius, frustraque aliud lingua pretendere cum manu sintire aliud conprobentur.
>Explicit ad tesifontem.<
Index Reference Number
- CPL 620 (Epistulae)
Editions- Hieronymus Stridonensis. Epistula CXXXIII: Ad Ctesiphontem, ed. I. Hilberg in Sancti Eusebii Hieronymi Epistulae (CSEL 56/1). Vienna: F. Tempsky, 1918, p. 241-60.
- S. Eusebius Hieronymus Stridonenis presbyter. Epistola CXXXIII: Ad Ctesiphontem adversus Pelagium. PL 22: 1147-61. Google Books
Translation- St. Jerome. Letter CXXXIII: To Ctesiphon, trans. W. H. Fremantle et al. in St. Jerome: Letters and Select Works (Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers 2nd ser., 6). New York: Christian Literature Company, 1893, p. 272-80. Google Books
Bibliography - 2.
pp. 33-208
Dialogus contra Pelagianos
>Incipit prologus dialogi attici cognomento hieronimi et cretoboli cognomento pelagii<
Scripta iam ad ctesifontem epistola in qua ad interrogata respondi …
etiam in hac parte errorem sequamini. Gloria indiuidue trinitati amen.
>Explicit liber tertius sancti heronimi contra pelagium sub attici hironimi et cretoboli pelagii altercatione positi. Gloria deo alto amen deo gratias amen.<
- 2_1. (pp. 33-39) Prologus >Incipit prologus dialogi attici cognomento hieronimi et cretoboli cognomento pelagii.< Scripta iam ad ctesifontem epistola in qua ad interrogata respondi …
- 2_2. (pp. 39-96) Liber primus >Incipit dialogus attici et cretoboli.< Dic mihi cretobole uerum est quod a te audio scriptum …
- 2_3. (pp. 96-146) Liber secundus [Without indication of the break between books.] C[retobolus]. Multa quidem de scripturis sanctis memoriter …
- 2_4. (pp. 146-209) Liber tertius >Incipit pars tertia.< C[retobolus]. Delectatus sum tuorum multiplicatione sermonem …
Index Reference Number- CPL 615
Editions- Hieronymus. Dialogus adversus Pelagianos, ed. C. Moreschini (CCSL 80). Turnholt: Brepols, 1990.
- S. Eusebius Hieronymus Stridonenis presbyter. Dialogus aduersus Pelagianos, sub persona Attici catholici et Critobuli hæretici. PL 23: 495-590. Google Books
Translations- St. Jerome. The Dialogue against the Pelagians, trans. John N. Hritzu in St. Jerome: Dogmatic and Polemical Works (Fathers of the Church 53). Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1965, p. 230-378.
- St. Jerome. Against the Pelagians: Dialogue between Atticus, a Catholic, and Critobulus, a Heretic, trans. W. H. Fremantle et al. in St. Jerome: Letters and Select Works (Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers 2nd ser., 6). New York: Christian Literature Company, 1893, p. 447-83. Google Books
Bibliography - 3.
p. 209
[Nota de operis in hoc codice contentis]
Cum in superioribus libris tota sancti hieronimi intentio …–…
tum praecipue pelegianistae detestationi sunt habiti.
- Walter Dunphy. "A Manuscript Note on Pelagius' De vita christiana (Paris, BN Lat. 10463)", Augustinianum 21 (1981): p. 589-91.
- Yves-Marie Duval. "Sur quelques manuscrits du De uita christiana portant le nom de Pélage", Latomus 64 (2005): p. 132-52.
- 4.
pp. 210-84
De uita christiana
>Incipit liber pelagii heretici de uita christiana.<
Ut ego peccator et ultimus insipientior caeteris …–…
non possumus conseramus absentes.
>Explicit \pelagii heretici/ de uita christiana.<
Index Reference Number
- CPL 730
Editions- Ps.-Augustinus. Liber de uita christiana. PL 40: 1031-46. Google Books; also found in PL 50.383-402, where it is attributed to Fastidius. Google Books
Translation- [Ps.-]St. Augustine. The Christian Life, trans. Mary Sarah Muldowney in Treatises on Various Subjects (Fathers of the Church 16). New York: Fathers of the Church, 1952, p. 9-43.
Bibliography- Robert F. Evans. "Pelagius, Fastidius, and the Pseudo-Augustinian De Vita Christiana", Journal of Theological Studies 13 (1962): p. 72-98.
- For further bibliography, see: IMB (Pelagianism) and LexMA (Fastidius)
- 5.
pp. 284-329
Altercatio ecclesiae et synagogae
>Incipit altercatio ecclesiae et synagogae.<
Duarum matronarum uobis censoribus causam uideor suscepisse …–…
et quae filios habebat cum filiis suis ante defecit.
>Explicit altercatio ecclesiae et synagocae [sic].<
- Anonymus. Altercatio ecclesiae et synagogae, ed. J. N. Hillgarth (CCSL 69A). Turnhout: Brepols, 1999.
Translation- Anonymus. Altercatio ecclesiae et synagogae, trans. J. N. Hillgarth (CCSL 69A). Turnhout: Brepols, 8.
Origine du manuscrit:
St. Gallen; almost certainly the copy referenced in the 9th-c. booklist in CSG 728 (p. 7).
Codicological Bibliography
- Bruckner, Albert. Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetica (Vol. 3). Geneva: Roto-Sadag, 1938, p. 70.
- Duval, Yves-Marie. "Sur quelques manuscrits du De uita christiana portant le nom de Pélage", Latomus 64 (2005): p. 132-52.
- Lambert, Bernard. Bibliotheca Hieronymiana manuscripta (Vol. 2). Steenbrugge: Abbatia S. Petri, 1969, p. 422.
- Lehmann, Paul. Mittelalterliche Bibliothekskataloge Deutschlands und der Schweiz (Vol. I). Munich: Beck, 1918, p. 71-82.
- Scherrer, Gustav. Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibiliothek von St. Gallen. Halle: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1875, p. 47. Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen
- For further bibliography, see: IMB