St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 108

Lowe Elias Avery, Codices Latini Antiquiores. A palaeographical guide to latin manuscripts prior to the ninth century. Part VII: Switzerland, Oxford 1956 (Osnabrück 1982), p. 21.
Titre du manuscrit: Sermo de Fine Mundi; , Commentarius in Psalmos; etc.
Période: Saec. VIII-IX
Support: Parchment of fair quality, but defective sheets were used.
Foll. 278
Format: 27,0 x 17,1-17,4 cm
Composition des cahiers: Gatherings generally of eight, signed in the centre of the lower margin of the last page with Roman numerals often set off by groups of dots, flourishes, and little leaves.
Mise en page:
(20,0-21,5 x 13,2-13,5 cm.) in 21-25 long lines. Ruling before folding, on the hair-side, 4 bifolia at a time, with all hair-sides uppermost and not re-arranged, so that hair faces flesh within the quire. Single bounding lines. Prickings in the outer margin guided the ruling.
Type d'écritures et copistes:
- Script, by several hands, is a pre-Caroline minuscule of a distinct type: the characteristic letter is r with its shoulder turned firmly up; ɑ is the rule; the squashed g used by some hands recalls some French pre-Caroline types; i-longa occurs initially here and there; the Ɛ ligature is used for hard and soft ti; the hand seen on pp. 335 and 368 represents an earlier stage of the type, a stage which predominates in Vienna MS. 1616.
- Punctuation: the main pause is marked by the low point or comma or : or ; or ,ʼ, lesser pauses by the low point or the colon. An omission on p. 192 is marked by signes de renvoi in the form of a trefoil.
- Abbreviations include the Insular symbol ÷ = est (p. 422), and b; = bus; q: = que; aū = autem ; ƃ = bis: ff and frs = fratres ; gƚa = gloria; hirsƚ = ierusalem; iħl= israhel; ms = meus; miam = misericordiam; nr (and nēr ), us̄r, nr̄i, etc. = noster, uester, nostri, etc.: oms, oma = omnes, omnia; ompꞇ̄s = omnipotens; ꝑ, ꝓ, ꝓpr (and propr) = per, pro, propter; qm = quoniam : scƚa = saecula ; sꞇ̄ = sunt; the abbreviation-stroke here and there has a dot above (pp. 250 ff.). Spelling in the Sermo S. Ysidori is very corrupt.
- Colophons and headings in red uncial or minuscule or in black uncial with a daub of red.
- Ink greyish brown.
- Ornamentation: mediocre initials, touched with red, of the style found in other manuscripts of this group, using simple rope pattern and fish, bird, and leaf motifs, also dog-heads, human faces (pp. 94, 165), and hands.
Origine du manuscrit:
Written possibly in Western Switzerland or Northern Italy, apparently in the same region, if not in the same centre, which produced St. Gall 227, Isidorus (our No. 930), Paris Lat., 653, Pelagius, Paris Lat. 945 I, Lectionary (C.L.A., V. 527 and 580), Vienna 1616, Sermones, and Wolfenbüttel Helmst. 513, Lex Alamannorum.
Provenance du manuscrit:
The manuscript is first mentioned in connexion with St. Gall in the catalogue of 1461.