Country of Location: |
Country of Location
Location: |
Location Basel |
Library / Collection: |
Library / Collection
Shelfmark: | Shelfmark M VI 135 |
Manuscript Title: | Manuscript Title Velāyet-i Ḫāksār Ḥācı Bektāş Velī |
Caption: | Caption Parchment · 302 ff. · 22 x 16 cm · 20. Ǧumādā II 1165 h. [= 05.05.1752] |
Language: |
Ottoman Turkish |
Manuscript Summary: | Manuscript Summary Legendary biography of the founder of the Bektashi Order, Ḥāǧǧī Bektāş Velī from Khorasan (Eastern Iran/Afghanistan), written in Ottoman Turkish. The manuscript was written by ʿAbdallāh Ibn Aḥmad el-Merzīfōnī and was completed on 20. Ǧumādā II 1165 h. [= 5 May 1752]. It was part of the collection of oriental manuscripts of the Islamic scholar and turkologist Rudolf Tschudi (1884-1960), from where it came to the University Library Basel. |
Standard description: | Standard description Aus: HAN, Verbundkatalog Handschriften - Archive - Nachlässe, 2017.Show standard description |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): | DOI (Digital Object Identifier 10.5076/e-codices-ubb-M-VI-0135 ( |
Permanent link: | Permanent link |
IIIF Manifest URL: |
IIIF Manifest URL
How to quote: | How to quote Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, M VI 135: Velāyet-i Ḫāksār Ḥācı Bektāş Velī ( |
Online Since: | Online Since 12/14/2017 |
External resources: | External resources |
Rights: | Rights Images:
(Concerning all other rights see each manuscript description and our Terms of use) |
Document Type: |
Document Type
Manuscript |
Century: |
18th century |
Dated: |
1752 |
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