St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 854

Codices Boethiani, A Conspectus of manuscripts of the works of Boethius II, ed. by Smith Lesley, London-Turin 2001, p. 208.
Manuscript title: in Topica .
Date of origin: s. xi
Support: Parchment
ii + 216 pages; pastedowns removed.
Format: page 200 x 172 mm
Page layout:
text 150 x 125 mm; 21 lines
Writing and hands:
one scribe
- Tituli in orange and red capitals to in Topica cic. Signature numbers.
- Orange-red outline initials with blue and purple infill, M(aiores), p. 1 and I(ncipientes), p. 22. E(xhortatione): three fishes in rubricator's red and blue, p. 23. Elsewhere, plain orange-red outline initials generally with partial blue infill. No internal rubrication.
Additions: Gloss: A few notes (e.g., p. 23) and marginal subject headings to bk I, but scarce. Notes on law (p. 107).
plain white
leather on wood; two clasps (lost). Parchmentlabel, top centre front
Commentaria Anicii Manlii Boetii in topica Ciceronis (s. xv).
Origin of the manuscript: Germany or Switzerland (Munk Olsen).
- Scherrer, p. 289;
- Sonderegger, 'Notker und Cicero', p. 264;
- Munk Olsen, I, pp. 286-7 (C. 480).